
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Love can do to you?

A question every person long to know, not for any reason, but a simple thought, Nobody can’t live without it. LOVE is a feeling of happiness, a feeling of contentment and a feeling built with trust. It’s something that we do not always expect to happen, but an experience that make us complete in a way. LOVE can make us go crazy, can make us a different person, but most importantly it has a capacity to make us a better person. LOVE is a choice, a decision. We always have the choice to Love, to be love or not to love at all. LOVE is the reason itself. Sometimes it’s something that is very hard to explain, something hard to define, we will never know what love is unless we experience it. LOVE is inevitable; it can be felt by anybody, young, old, poor or rich. LOVE is never selfish. When we love, we forget about ourselves, even we may fall or we may succeed.
Most of the time, we end up getting hurt. But as I say, we always have the choice. LOVE can heal you. They say that time can heal the wounds brought by bad experiences, but it is LOVE that heals it all. LOVE like life is never fair. It is not always colorful as we wanted to be, but we have the ability or should I say the power, to make it different. LOVE is a gift from GOD. It is the LOVE that is given to us even we don’t ask for it, a LOVE that is unconditional; LOVE without boundaries. Only Him can give us the LOVE that will make our life complete.

Now I ask you, what LOVE can do for you?
You have to know it for yourself.

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