
Thursday, February 16, 2012


It is a mystery why we fall in love.

It is a mystery how it happens. It is a mystery when it comes. It is a mystery why some love grows and it is a mystery why some love fails.

You can analyze this mystery and look for reasons and causes but you will never do anymore than take the life out of experience. Just as life itself is more than the sum of bones and muscles and electrical impulses in the body, love is more than the sum of interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share. And just as life itself is a gift that comes and goes in its own time, so too, the coming of love must be taken as an unfathomable gift that cannot be questioned in its ways.

Sometimes, hopefully at least once in your life, the gift of love will come to you in full flower and you will take hold of it and celebrate it in all inexpressible beauty. This is a dream we all share. More often, it will come and take hold of you, celebrate you for a brief moment, then move on.

When this happens to young people, they too often try to grasp the love and hold it to them, refusing to see that it is a gift that is freely given and a gift that just as freely moves away. When they fall out of love, or the person they love feels the spirit of love leaving, they try desperately to reclaim the love that is lost rather than accept the gift for what it was, then move on.

They want answers where there are no answers. They want to know what is wrong in them that make the other person no longer love them, or they try to get their lover to change, thinking that if some small things were different, love would bloom again. They blame their circumstances and say that if they go far away and start a new life together, their love will grow.

They try anything to give meaning to what has happened. But there is no meaning beyond the love itself; until they accept its own mysterious ways, they live in a sea of misery.

You need to know this about love and to accept it. You need to treat what it brings to you with kindness. If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn’t choose to rest in the other person’s heart.

If you find someone else in love with you and you don’t love him, feel honored that the love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. Do not take advantage; do not cause pain. How you deal with love is how you deal with you and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different.

If you fall in love with another and he falls in love with you and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame. Let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You’ll know in time.

Remember that you don’t choose love. Love chooses you. All you can do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit. Give it to the world around you in any way you can.

This is where many lovers go wrong. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need. They see their hearts as empty places that will be filled by love and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than from them.

The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing but as their love cools, they revert to seeing love as a need. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away.

Remember this and keep it to your heart. Love has its own time, its own seasons and its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. But if it chooses to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do. Love always has been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. If you keep you heart open, it will come again.

I need to live my life a day at a time,
Not expecting much or wanting much...
Just to get through each day... to survive.
I never expected to dream for the next day,
Now I do.
I never expected to be so happy,
Now I am... with you...

You don’t fall in love.
Love simply happens.
Your body, your mind,
Your heart and your soul
Everything you have just goes out of control.
Love will either be or not be there.
But when it’s there...
You’ll know.

There’s only one risk in life worth taking... the risk of getting hurt when you fall in love. But experiencing the joy of being in love is worth all the pain – any time, any day.

Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong... sometimes, it’s letting go.

Remember that the best kind of relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.

Time does not heal all wounds... it merely softens the blow and blurs the memory.

Relationships are like the sand. The more you hold on tightly, the more it slips away. Hold it loosely and it remains where it is.

Love is when all you care about is that one person -- one could hurt you more, yet no one could make you happier.

Time has a way of making things happen. It may take a while but if the heart is ready, love will find its way.

Loving doesn’t mean gazing at each other. Loving means looking at the same direction together.

Trust is easy to lose, hard to earn and extremely difficult to regain. That’s why we should take pain not to betray the people we love the most.

Say what you want when you have the feeling and the chance; tomorrow may be a day late. Our deepest regrets may be the things we didn’t do... opportunities missed and things missed.

Absence does for the heart what the wind does for a flame... it extinguishes the weak and feeds the strong.

Fate only takes` you so far... when you’re there, it’s up to you to make the move to make it happen.

Pride makes us do things well but it’s love that makes us do them to perfection.

Love is the answer that everyone seeks... love is the language every heart speaks... love cannot be bought – it’s priceless and free.

Love is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. If you haven’t learned its meaning, you’ve hardly learned anything at all.

You’ll never feel love until you feel pain.

Fall but not stumble... be constant but not too persistent... share and never be unfair... understand and try not to demand... hurt but never keep the pain...

Love arrives on tiptoes and bangs the door when it leaves. So make sure you are ready for the consequences that might come your way when you allow yourself to fall in love.

There comes a time in your life when you really love someone and it doesn’t work out... it is only then that you realize all you ever wanted was a kind friend and a companion for life.

Time has a way of changing things but not the joy that love brings. Love is like the warming sun, making each day a brighter one.

Being alone doesn’t make you lonely for life. It isn’t a matter of being present with someone... it’s a matter of being present for someone.

Life is full of comings and goings. For everything we take with us, there is always something we leave behind.

It is still best to wait for someone you love than settle for the one available... best to wait for the one you love than settle for the one who’s around... best to wait for the right one, for life is too short to waste on the wrong person.

No matter how softly you whisper a prayer, someone must surely be listening there, who understands well and knows from the start the hopes and fears you keep in your heart.

We come to love not by finding the perfect person but by learning to see the imperfect person perfectly.

Goodbyes make you think... they make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost and what you’ve taken for granted.

Faith makes all things possible... Love makes all things easy... Hope makes all things work...

I don’t regret the things I have done or the things I have chosen not to do because whatever I’ve done, I must have done something right because I ended up with you.

When you truly care for someone, you don’t look for faults... you don’t look for answers... you don’t look for mistakes. Instead, you fight for the mistakes... accept the faults... overlook the excuses.

Love is not about It’s your fault but I’m sorry... not about Where were you but I’m right here... not about How could you but I understand... not about I wish you were but I’m thankful you are...

No one can ever cross the paths of our destiny without leaving a faded mark on it forever because even if the world forgets, the heart will always remember.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that you’ll be loved back. Don’t expect love in return. Instead, wait for it to grow in the other person’s heart. If it doesn’t, be content that it grew in yours.

Letting go has never been easy and holding on has always been difficult... but strength is never measured by holding on but by letting go.

Destiny is not a matter of chance. It’s a matter of choice.

You can close your eyes to what you don’t want to see but you can never close your heart to what you don’t want to feel.

It’s painful to love someone and not be loved return. But it is more painful to love someone and never have the courage to let that person know.

To let go is not to deny but to accept... it is not to regret the past but to grow and live for the future... above all, it is to fear less and love more.

It is easy to fall in love. Staying in love is the hard part. Like a cherished plant, love needs constant care and attention. Without it, it withers and dies.

True love hears what is not spoken and understands what isn’t explained... for love doesn’t work in the mouth or mind but in the heart.

The hardest part in loving is when you can only view the person you love from a distance and not be able to hold his hand, embrace him tight and tell him you love him because he is only a friend.

It is easy to say I love you, even easier to hurt the one you love. What is hardest to do but is a proof of truly loving is saying I love you to the one who always hurts you.

Love is not something we hold on to... it’s something we set free. It’s not something we just do... it’s something we don’t imagine to be. It’s not something we choose... it chooses us.

We never say goodbye to someone we love... no matter how hard we try, that love will always find its way back to us.

Love does not count on the laughter that you shared but on the tears and pain you struggle to get over with for the sake of holding on.

When you love someone, you say. You say it... right there... out loud. Otherwise... the moment just passes you by.

The greatest regrets in our lives are the risks we didn’t take. If you think something will make you happy, go for it. Remember that you pass this way only once.

Don’t let doubts lose the magic of love. It’s not everyday that you meet someone who has the magic to let you fall in love.

We do not schedule our relationships. It is God who brings us to encounter each other. We cannot predict when God will send someone... we can only wait.


Sometimes, people come into our lives
Just for a little while.
Like a rainbow,
They come and grow quickly
On a disappearing arch of color,
Leaving traces.

Sometimes, a person comes to earth
Just for a little while
Staying long enough
To live... and love... and die...
Then he is gone,
Leaving traces.

The greatest injustice love can ever offer is you not loving and caring at the very right time... only to find out later that it’s the right person.

It doesn’t matter who you have hurt if you learned not to hurt again. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made as long as you don’t do them again. As long as you learn and take your life in your hands, then there is growth... eventually there is life.

There are many questions that only the heart can answer and many answers that only the feeling can understand.

Getting hurt is part of growing... wish there was another way. But life and love are both hard teachers. Learn from those and don’t be bitter for the lessons they teach.

All things happen for a reason we may not understand why of such things but if we accept them and move forward, we find down the road – always – there was a reason and everything happens for the best.

Go for the person who loves you... it is not wrong to love someone who could also love you in return.

When friends fall in love, it means they are meant for each other. When friends fall out of love, it means they want to keep each other forever.

Loving – knowing you’re gonna get hurt – is like living knowing you’re gonna die. But not loving so you won’t get hurt is like dying while you’re still alive.

Sometimes, we give more importance to the person who’s not with us, putting aside the person who’s always there beside you and always willing to stay... always making you happy but never tried to appreciate.

There’s no such thing as love at first sight because you need to know someone really well to say that you love him. Love is not about what the eyes can see... it’s more of what the heart feels.

Life is not a problem to be solved. But a gift to be shared by two people who know what true love means.

Love the one who cares for you... not the one who ignores you. Love the one who makes you smile... not the one who makes you cry. Love the one who your heart seeks.

Love isn’t like a train that when you miss it, you can say, “I’ll just catch the next one.” If love is everything we think it is, then may be it comes along only once.

Love can be many things in many ways... it is a pool of feelings combined to give emotion like no other.
It’s not who you are to the world but who you are to me
It’s not what you can give but what you already have
It’s not how many times I said I care... it’s how much I do.

When you’re running after the person you love, you’re too busy to notice me running after you. Don’t mind me. But when you stumble and fall, take my hand and let me be the one to help you get up again.

I love you
... not because you felt the same way
    but because you made me the person I wasn’t before

I miss you
... not because you’re not around
    but because things between us are not okay

I’m sorry
... not because I caused you pain
    but because I loved you when I wasn’t supposed to

Looking back at all we’ve shared and all that is yet to come, I realize that nothing life may offer me could make me happier than a future filled with loving you.

It is true season of love when we know that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved before us and that no one will ever love in the same way after us.

I love you without knowing how or when or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
So I love you I know no other way than this:
            Where I does not exist, nor you,
            So close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
            So close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Love is something like the clouds that were in the sky before the sun came out. You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything.

Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility... it is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he does not love would faint and lie down. Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not. Though weary, it is not tired; though pressed, it is not straightened; though alarmed, it is not confounded; but as a lively flame and burning torch, it forces its way upwards and securely passes all.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere... they’re in each other all along.

Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity; eternity can be the tick of the clock. Across the barriers of time and the ultimate, love persists, for the home of the beloved, absent or present, is always in the mind and heart. Absence does not diminish love.

The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity – LOVE. And the story of love is not important... what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.

What’s sad about loving someone is when you’re not good enough because somebody else still occupies his mind and heart and you know you can’t compete.

Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow... fall in order to know... lose in order to gain... because some lessons are learned best only through pain.

People say that when love comes knocking at your door, let it in. but sometimes, love comes through the back door and by the time you notice it, it’s on its way out.

Life ain’t easy... always have to be wrong to gain what is right, stumble to persevere, hurt to be stronger, fall to rise, lose to try harder and love to pursue them all.

I choose to love you in silence for in silence I find no rejection
I choose to love you in my loneliness for in my loneliness no one owns you but me.

Some people promise forever but couldn’t stay for a minute. Some people say they’d be there but couldn’t care less. But there are those who say they’d stay for a while but never left.

Learn to appreciate the rainbow after cursing the rain... it’s like loving again after experiencing the pain.

All the best things in life are not meant to last. Things change and so do people. You can never hold on to something forever... so learn to live and let go.

There comes a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person started hurting us but because he’d be happier if we let him go.

If love is full of thorns, I would not be afraid to embrace it for in between those thorns, there is a rose that is worth all the pain.

It is in loving not in being loved that the heart finds its quest.
It is in giving not in getting that lives are blessed.

Love isn’t about becoming somebody else’s perfect person... it’s about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

Great acts of love don’t happen everyday but little signs of love are there all the time... if only we learn to pay attention and recognize them for what they are.

No matter how much you’ve hurt, you can’t give up on caring. You have to be willing to try again or you’ll never know the joy and wonder of love.

Real love should never look at where you stand. It looks at where you are heading and finds beauty not in what you have but in what you can give.

A lot of bad things have happened to me. I regret a lot of it in my life and once in a while I get scared because I don’t know what to do and where to go. But I know, no matter what happens along the way... I’ll always have you to come home to.

It’s oftentimes hard to forget someone we love because deep inside us, it’s the last thing we would want to do. It’s easy to say it’s all over but always difficult to let go.

Don’t wait for the right person to come into your life. Instead, be the right person to come into someone’s life.

True love is when you someone doesn’t hurt you even if you hurt him... is silent even if you scream... will think clearly even if you’re confused... will not let go even if you release him.

If we lose love, we lose it for a reason. May be hard to understand but whatever it is, we just have to believe that God takes away when He has better to give.

Saying I love you is important but be careful not to say it too often... it may lose its meaning; never be too secure with it either... you’ll never know it might be too late.

Oftentimes, people don’t know who they value most until they lose that very person. So look with your heart, not with reasons for love is beyond all logic and beauty.

Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone, tell him. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone that he means to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late.

Love is acceptance. When we love someone, we take them into our hearts. That’s why it hurts when we lose someone we love because we lose a part of ourselves.

Before saying the words “ I love you forever,” ask yourself if you’re ready because more often than not, people are ready for love but not for forever.

Destiny is written in the stars... it’s your soul mate, your achievements and your life. So whether you choose to wait or find it, either way it finds you.

Pain and death are part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself.
The heart hides what you can’t say but your eyes say what the heart tries to hide. It would hurt less to hear a sounding “Goodbye” than hear “Stay” and see in the eyes that it’s a lie.

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time I think of you, I’d have the entire night sky on the palm of my hand.

Whether you’ve been through you’re worst or it is yet to come, always remember that life can be summed up in three words: It goes on!

One shouldn’t love just to fill an empty space but to have somebody to stay by his side and complete the missing piece in his life.

Living a day without you would mean having no life at all. But if losing you is the best thing to make you happy, then I should learn living without a life.

The ironies of love
                           ... hard to find, easy to lose
                           ... makes you feel so good but hurts so bad
                           ... opens your eyes but makes you blind
                           ... fills up your heart then tears it apart

Yesterday ended last night. Everyday is a new beginning. Learn the skill of forgetting... and move on.

If time never stands still, I’ll never leave your side. It may be too hard for me but I’ll hang in here for you. At times you might not find me around but in my heart you’ll always be found.

Love says: don’t let me loose cause I might fall off... not too tight, I might get squeezed. Just hold me gently and I’ll stay for keeps.

Even though somebody you really love hurts you in a way that you almost lose the trust you’ve given, it’s still easy to forgive... because you’re afraid to lose a love that’s hard to find.

I may not have given you what you expected of me and might not have shown you the love that you wanted. I’m human... not perfect. But inside this imperfection lies a heart that loves you the best way it knows how.

Time can heal all wounds... time can give you another... time can make you forget... time can let you move on... but time can never give back what has already been lost.OWIE

We should always say what we feel in our hearts, as tomorrow may never come. Speak these words today as you feel them and never lose your chance to tell someone.

The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but in feeling that you love the person far more than you thought you could.
How much does a man live, after all?
 Does he live a thousand days... or one only?
For a week... or for several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say forever?

In life, there is a very rare chance of meeting someone you love and loves you in return. Once you find it, never let go.

Don’t find love... let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love. You don’t force yourself to fall... you just fall.

I can never love you enough. I can never give enough of what you need. I can never say what’s needed when most needed. I know it’s not good enough, I’m not good enough but I’m loving you my best.

Love is the greatest thing on earth... it breaks and it makes... it gives and it takes... but even though it hurts you, sometimes you still don’t learn how to hate.

If you let your heart be trapped in the past, if you hold on to a love that you really don’t need, then you can never give your heart a chance to love again.

It took me a long time finding you. You’re someone wanna be with even after death. And if I find myself in heaven without holding your hand... then I’ll go searching for you all over again.

Love is a decision you make... you cannot “un-love.” Your feelings may have changed, shifted slightly... but the memories will remain.

Never say I love you if you don’t care... never talk about feelings if they aren’t really there... never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.

In life, we seldom find true love. If we ever find it, hold on to it and never let go for it is the only true thing in life worth holding on.

Sometimes, love can’t be yours when you want it... sometimes, you don’t want it when it comes. But when the time comes that you want it and it’s there for you to keep, don’t ever let go.

Love is learning to say I’m sorry often... learning to swallow pride and selfishness... learning to forgive.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past... you can’t go on well in life until you let go of past failures and heartaches.
When you love someone, don’t expect the other person to love you back the same amount. One will always be ahead and the other behind. It’s either you catch up... or the other has to wait.

A heart truly in love never loses hope but believes in the promise of love... no matter how long the time and how far the distance.

It hurts when the person you love doesn’t say I love you, but it hurts even more when you realize you can say I love you but it’s too late to do so... he’s tired of waiting.

Don’t slam the door when you leave... you might still want to go back.

Sometimes, love can touch where words can’t reach. At times like these, there are no perfect words... only thoughtful silence that whispers softly of caring.

Happiness lies for those who cry... those who hurt... those who have searched... and those who have tried... for only they can appreciate the importance of the people who have touched their lives.

The test of love doesn’t come when you’re together. It comes when you part ways and you realize that in spit of breaking up, the love is still there.

It’s really painful to say goodbye to someone you don’t want to let go. But it’s even more painful to ask the person to stay and never make it work the way it should be.

The beauty of love does not depend on how happy you are but on how happy others can be because of you.

Love is not about how much you get but how much you can give. It’s not about giving up but holding on. It’s not about how you say I love you but how you show it’s true.

Heartbreaks will last as long as you want... cut as deep as you allow them to. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but how to learn from them.

If I were deaf, I’ll hear your laughter through your smile. If I were mute, I’ll speak to you through your eyes. If I were blind, I’ll see you through your touch. I can live without my senses but life won’t make sense without you.

Listen carefully to what your heart say, enjoy the feeling of being in love and don’t worry so much about how things will work out. Don’t be afraid to love just because you’re afraid to get hurt.

How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at that someone, all you can think about is how much more you really want?

I may not have shown you the real love in the way that you wanted me to... but I’m more than happy to love you in the way I understand what love is.

Don’t look at me and say goodbye. Don’t whisper words to make me cry. Just walk away if you have to. You’ll break my heart but I promise I won’t ever let you know.

I was willing to give you everything I had. I was willing to love you completely. I was willing to fight for you but still I have to let go. Because even though I was willing to do everything for you... you were not.

It’s hard to pretend to love someone when you don’t... but it’s even harder to pretend not to love someone when the truth is you really do.

Time is too slow for those who wait... to swift for those who fear... too long for those who grieve... too short for those who rejoice... but for those who love, time is eternity.

It’s friends that become the deepest lovers. It’s like one day someone flicks the switch and you wake up with your best friend becoming the person you can never live without.

Expressing love is never too late or too early. Love has no expiry date... it even grows as time passes by.

A good relationship is not two people dependent upon each other. But rather, it is two independent people choosing to be together.

When you fall in love, there’s always the risk of getting hurt. Love is restless... love is a flirt. Love has places to go and people to hurt.

If a star would fall each time I miss you, the sky would be empty by now. So before they’d be all gone, find the brightest one and make a wish... because the last time I did, I found you.

Love can make you happy though often times it hurts. But love is only special when you give it to whom it’s worth.

Love knows no lies. Love defines all reasons. Love has no eyes but love is not blind... it sees but it doesn’t mind.

If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive him... for he has helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious about who you open your heart to.

Someday, someone will hold you the way that I do...
Someday, someone will say she loves you too...
But I know someday, somehow, this very someone will never love you the way that I do.

You may love someone for what he has... for who he is... or for what he can be... but if you love someone and you can’t explain why, that love can conquer all.

Saying sweet words is never enough to prove that you really love someone. Loving someone needs many sacrifice like giving your time and attention to be sensitive to their feelings.

Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until you stop crying.

If I can reach the rainbow, I would pull it down, write your name and put it back in the sky so everyone would know how colorful you’ve made my life.

Always be willing to set free everyone who’s precious to you for they will find their way back if you are precious to them too.

Don’t force yourself to fall in love with someone just because you think it’s your turn. Wait for a while... may be cupid is looking for the heart that deserves the kind of love you can give.

I cried for the times you were almost mine. I cried for the memories I’ve left behind. I cried for the pain, the lost, the old, the new... I cried for those times I thought I had you.

It hurts to see someone you love ignore you... it also hurts to see she doesn’t feel your love. But it hurts you more if she loves you and you never knew.

Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling. It should inspire you, give you joy and strength... but sometimes, the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end.

It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it. But it’s also true that we don’t know what we are missing until it arrives.

It’s so sad to be with someone you thought you love... only to realize later that your heart still belongs and longs for the person you left behind.

Don’t turn your back to love when it’s already in front of you. Don’t drive it away from you because if you do, someday, you’ll think again... why let love fly away when it was once next door to you?

Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive... not how you listen but how you understand... not what you see but what you feel... not how you let go but how you hold on.

If you think you’v all your love, it will find its way back to your heart... not necessarily with the same person but with someone better.

Wounds can be bandaged and insults can be forgiven but if you betray confidence, it’s hopeless.
You may not be perfect... your partner may not be perfect. But you can still become perfect for each other.

Love is not about trying to find out about a person’s past... for the past did not include you. It’s all about how to take in the present time for it is the one you’re currently into.AKIN

I just want you to know that I miss you so. Even if you’re with someone else, I think you still need to know that you’re truly special and I wish I could make you see that missing you secretly hurts the biggest part of me.

Sometimes, love makes a big scar in your heart. Be happy for it... the bigger the scar, the better you’ve loved.

The only way to forget is to accept. The only way to move on is to look ahead... and let the footprints of the past be blown by the wind of time.

More often than not, you fall in love with a person you can hardly have while the one who truly loves you remains either a stranger or a friend.

Relationship is like a glass... sometimes it is just better to leave it broken than try to put it together again without anything strong to bind it with.

Love has its ups and downs... its twists and turns. Love leaves you in pain, teaches you till you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you where you belong.

The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.

On the course of love, people must teach their hearts to be brave... brave enough to hold on when things go wrong and brave enough to let go when they realize things are not meant to be after all.

A sad thing about love is when you lose it... but the saddest is when you still have it and you don’t have the courage to prove it or even fight for it.

Sometimes we take for granted those we love thinking they’ll always be around. But time will come when they’ll give up and you have no choice but to let go and regret.

Love is when you take away the feeling... the passion... the romance... and find out you still care for that person.

Some have a lifetime... some just a day
Love isn’t something we measure that way
Nothing is forever... forever is a lie
All we have is between I love you and goodbye

We cannot gain if we do not let go... for there is no love without tears, no happiness without sacrifice, no forever without goodbye.

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

Saying goodbye makes you realize how much you care... how much you love... how much you will risk... how much loss you had... knowing that person will never be yours again.

Committing your love to someone means losing the opportunity to experience other’s love. So be sure you’re committed to the person who deserves your love... otherwise, it’s not worth the sacrifice.

Never say goodbye when you still want to try. Never give up when you still feel you can take it. Never say you don’t love a person when you can’t let go.

Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how much you feel.

Sometimes, you wonder why you stay in a position that hurts so much... you know you could do without the pain but then you realize you love that person so much to let go.

Being alone may be the hardest thing but it gives you more time to think and to realize how much you really want to spend your life with someone you’re destined to be with.

When you love someone, it’s not for you to be understood but to understand... not to take but to be taken... not to dictate but to listen... not to demand but to sacrifice... not to count nor measure but to love.

Falling in love doesn’t have to hurt... you just have to find someone to catch your fall.

In life, it doesn’t matter how much you possess, how far you’ve traveled or how much you have accomplished... rather who you have standing beside you at the very end.

If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of it but for some reasons couldn’t stay... don’t cry too much. Just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow, she made you happy even for a while.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But oftentimes, we look so long at the closed door that we fail to see the one that has been opened for us.

Two halves do not make a whole in a relationship... it takes two wholes.

It is better to love for a minute and remember it for a lifetime than love for a lifetime and hate every minute of it.
The greatest worry about love is holding on when you have to let go and letting go when you have to hold on.

Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been betrayed... those who still believe even though they’ve been disappointed... those who still need to love even though they’ve been hurt before.

Love is worth not when you are being loved in return but when you truly love in spite of getting hurt.

Never take for granted the person who truly cares for you. Remember, feelings, just like people, grow tired too when it’s neither appreciated nor returned... no matter how great you thought the love is.

We oftentimes don’t see the reasons why we don’t always get what we want but in the end of it all, we realize that what we wanted wasn’t meant for us after all.

For all the heartaches and the tears, for the gloomy days and fruitless years, you should be thankful for these were the things that helped you grow.

Mature love involves growing from a state of receiving much and giving little towards a start of cheerfully giving everything and demanding nothing in return.

When loving someone, never regret what you do... only regret what you didn’t do.

Don’t shed tears for someone who hurt you. Don’t long for that person if she leaves. Don’t feel sorry if you fail when you tried your best – it only means someone is still out there who is more deserving of your love and time.

It’s sad that sometimes we learn with painful tears that our first doesn’t always turn out to be our last.

You truly love someone when you shed tears yet you still care for her... when she ignores you yet you still long for her... when she begins to love another yet you still smile and say you’re happy for her.

It hurts to wish and it hurts to hope. It hurts to love and it kills to let go but these are the things that can make you strong for the things that hurt make your heart learn.

Compatibility is not about having both traits the same. It’s a matter of bringing opposite ends meet.

You can hear my voice but you can’t hear it trembling. You can feel my touch but not my heart pounding. You can see me as I am but not how I see you. In silence, I’m screaming I love you.
Love is not a matter of finding the right person but creating the right relationship. The important question is not how much love there is at the beginning but how much love there is in the end.

Never be afraid to say I love you to the one you love for when you are ready, it may be too late... the one you love may have found the comfort of hearing it from someone else.

Learn to love the people who are with you at present... forget the people in the past and thank them for hurting you which led you to love the people you have right now.

A memory of true love is like a favorite song... no matter how many times it plays, you never get tired of it.

May be God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we would know how to be grateful for the gift.

It is better not to have the person you love right now but have them later rather than have them now then later lose them forever.

When you love someone, it doesn’t matter if he’ll love you n return. You’ll be able to accept everything – even the fact that he does not love you.

We spend so much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault in those we already have when instead, we should be perfecting the love we give.

Love not out of need but out of the abundance of your heart. Don’t seek for someone who’ll fill your heart... seek for someone whose heart you can fill.

The highest love of all finds fulfillment not in what it keeps but what it gives.

Love... no matter how hard you find it, you won’t see it... no matter how hard you try, you won’t get it... but when you’re about to give up, it comes.

Our lives are shaped by those we love and those who refuse to love us.

We let go of people we love only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us more than we can love ourselves

It is always better to have found the courage to love even if we are to lose in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face the challenge.

Love is like the air... you never know it is there until you feel it and you’ll never know it is gone until you need it.

For every heart that finds a heart, there is a heart that cries. For every dream that is reborn, there is a dream that dies. For every fond hello, there is a sad goodbye.

Time does not really heal all wounds in your heart... it only makes you heart a little number so that next time it gets wounded, it does not hurt as much.

Love is not something we just take in... it is something we must think about. It is not something we just let go of... it is something we fight for.

Goodbye is a word you rarely want to hear, a word you never want to say. But sometimes you just have to do it to realize somebody’s worth.

Life isn’t about keeping score. It’s not about how many people call you and it’s not about who you’ve dated, are dating or haven’t dated at all. It isn’t about who you’ve kissed, what sport you play or which guy or girl likes you. It’s not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it’s not about your grades, money, clothes or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn’t about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone and it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn’t about that.

But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It’s about how you feel about yourself. It’s about trust, happiness and compassion. It’s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. It’s about what you say and what you mean. It’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, it is about choosing to use your life to touch someone else’s in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life’s about.

True love is a sacred flame that burns eternally
And none can dim its special glow or change its destiny
True love speaks in tender tones and hears with gentle ears
True love gives with open heart and true love conquers fear
True love makes no harsh demands... it neither rules nor binds
And true love holds with gentle hands the hearts that entwines

The darkest hour is the hour before sunrise. So when you feel you are at your darkest moment, remember that you may just be a moment away from your sunrise.

People continue to love in spite of the pains, tears and heartaches... may be because pains made them stronger, tears made them braver and heartaches made them wiser.

Be careful to whom you give your heart because once you give your heart to that person, you give her the power to hurt you.

Sometimes, it’s really hard to say no when you mean yes... hard to close your eyes if you really want to see... hard to forget if you really can’t... hard to go if you really want to stay.

When you’re in love, don’t get too high. It’s not the fall that hurts but the sudden stop.

Funny how, when you try to look for the right person, you always end up with the wrong one. But when you just sit in one corner and forget that the right person exists, he comes and asks if he could share the corner with you.

You can’t make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to that person.

You cannot finish a book without closing its chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages of life.

May be the person we like the least is the person who needs our love the most. Be sensitive.

If you search for forever, know that from the start, you should not lie to yourself but seek within your heart for it will never lie. It knows what you cannot see and soon enough you’ll say this one was meant for me.

Say goodbye to the past... but never be afraid to look back if you have to.

What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility... those who play with it call it a game... those who don’t have it call it a dream... those who have it and truly understand it call it destiny...

Remember – those who aren’t afraid to love find it... those who are consumed by their own fear lose it.

Only when we learn to recognize that our love has failed us can we truly understand the reasons we get hurt.

If you really love someone, never let go. Don’t believe that letting go means you love best. Instead, fight for your love... that’s what true love is.

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything... they just make the most out of everything that comes along their way.

If you’ve been hurt by the person you love, don’t hurt her too. Instead, prove to her she was wrong to let you go. Eventually, she’ll be hurt realizing what a fool she was to let someone like you slip from her grip.

When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is so far... no time is so long... and no other love can break them apart.

What the eyes see lingers in the mind...
                           What the ears hear stays long enough...
                                    What the hands touch lives for eternity...
                                                But what the heart loves is forever cherished by the soul...

Inspiration is someone who will let you know life will go on and something beautiful can be waiting somewhere when you least expect it.

You know you truly love someone when you want him to be happy even if his happiness means you’re not a part of it.

Losing someone you love could be painful yet a blessing for it just means someone more deserving is yet to come.

You can fall in love in an instant... it’s letting go that takes time.

Dream what you want to dream... go where you want to go... be what you want to be... because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want in life.

Some of the most amazing things in life come to you when you least expect. Remember when it comes... hold on to it... care for it... because when it’s gone, it may be gone forever.

Some time in life, you wish for something, then there’s a moment you stop wishing... not because you got what you wanted but because you finally accepted that not all wishes could come true.

Someday... somehow... what you’ve always wished for will come true. It wouldn’t be in the exact package but it would always be what God thinks is best for you.

To love is to be hurt... for no one has ever picked up a rose and appreciated its beauty without accepting the thorns.

When love has flown away, don’t go chasing after it. You might get hurt again when it comes back. Just wait for a chance... may be another heart is loving you.

Love not because the person is the only one but because the person is the one you’ve been waiting for... the one you’re willing to give everything up because it’s worth giving up.

You never truly love a person unless the mere thought of you hurting that loved one is enough to break your own heart.

I can only show you the door... but you’re the one who has to walk through it.
I can only show you the beginning... but you have to figure out the end.

True love means a deep trust... a belief that there’s nothing in this world that is powerful enough to come between you and the one you love.

The tears shed over heartbreaks are the words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

Find time to realize that there’s one person who means so much to you for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you thought meant nothing at all.

Most relationships fail not because of the absence of love. Love is always present. It’s just that one loved too much... and the other too little.

Love – why does it hurt? Why does it ache? May be because we love too hard and too deep that sometimes, we forget to keep a little for ourselves.

If you think it’s time to let go, just let go... there is no point in looking at what you have lost, for the road of life was never meant to be traveled backwards.

Sometimes, we appreciate a person’s real value when he’s already gone. So show someone you care when he’s still around and don’t get buried under your guilt. Let your love flow.

The hardest thing in life is not loving but forgetting the one you’ve learned to love all your life.

Live your life the way you want it to be... don’t hesitate to try something new. You might regret having the time pass you by without knowing how good it could have been.

Sometimes, you don’t realize how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you.

At times, loving means letting the one we love go. It’s hard... it’s painful... but it is then that we truly experience the true meaning of loving.

Love is sometimes shared... sometimes lost... sometimes unrecognized...
                           But in the end... always found, with regrets... forever valued... kept and treasured.

It’s better to meet the person who will truly love you later than meeting someone now who will promise to love you but sooner or later leaves you forever.

If you think that you’re losing someone you thought you love, never be afraid because if that person does love you... he will take the risk just to have you back again.
Letting go of someone dear to you is hard but holding on to someone who doesn’t even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn’t mean you’re weak... it only means that you’re strong enough to let go.

There are some things we never want to let go... people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world – it’s the beginning of a new life.

Love never grows when it’s secretly kept locked in our hearts. Love will only find its fulfillment when it finds its way out and dwells in the heart of that person destined to keep it.

Think and take time to listen to your heart. Sometimes, you need not ask yourself who you love more but who cares for you and make you feel loved.

The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them. 

Never try to guard your heart from pain for the heart that has truly loved is the heart that has been hurt the most.

Learn to let go of love. Holding on to it at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons will only push love away.

Love can grow in the most unlikely places where it doesn’t seem to stand the chance of winning. A love like that... able to surpass all obstacles... is the most precious gift of all.

When in love, don’t be afraid to give your all. Love freely and without expectations. The greatest tragedy in life is when one expects to be loved because of what he has given.

To have someone to love is not a gift but a choice. The gift is to have someone love you back. Cherish it while you can and treasure it with all your heart.

There are things we don’t want to happen but have to accept... things we don’t want to know but have to learn... and people we can’t live without but have to let go.

Friendship is a special kind of love... more than endless... more than true. When friends part ways, no matter the distance, expect them to keep coming back to you.

We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened... every emotion is magnified... our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn’t diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

Happiness is not having what you want... it’s wanting what you have.

Life is such a big mystery. We seldom know what’s going on, much less, what’s in store. We often fear who we are... thinking whether or not we are doing what is right... but that fear can be addressed by mere reflection. Ask yourself: Am I a better person now than I was before? If the answer is yes, then you should be happy even when the cards aren’t dealt in your favor. What’s important is that you’ve become the better man.

And in the event that we see ourselves as failures, when we realize that we were better persons in the past, we must applaud ourselves for our honesty and objectivity and then we must forgive ourselves and begin our journey towards becoming better persons.

It is painful to see someone you wish were yours happy with someone else. But there is nothing more painful than the sight of someone you wish were yours crying for someone else.

It’s so easy to fall in love but hard to find someone who will catch you.

If I were to say I like you, would it scare you away? If I were to say I miss you, would it be okay? But if I say I love you, will you wish me to go or ask me to stay?

If you love someone with all your heart and you cannot bear to be apart, tell him now before it’s too late. Not everyone has the patience to wait.

When you’ve been very much in love with someone, you can’t be friends after it falls apart because it hurts to recall that you didn’t last.

True love comes once in a lifetime. It is revealed subtly and appears without warning. So open your heart to feel it... for once you do, nothing will ever be the same again.

Don’t be sad if love doesn’t work out. Just be glad that for a time in your life, you were happy and you would have memories to live by.

Love is precisely not just a feeling. Feelings easily pass, change and fade away. But true love is an act of waiting and continuation despite and in spite of everything.

Let your love be stronger than your heart and anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise for it is better to bend a little than to break.

When sorrow comes, we have no right to ask why this happened to us... unless, we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way.

The real heart of conversation is not having said the right thing at the right time but having left unsaid the wrong thing at the most tempting moment.

Life is like a game... sometimes we miss and get hurt. But life doesn’t end where our heartaches begin. It only ends when we give up and stop believing.

It’s hard to be alone... it’s hard to choose someone you could love. But the hardest part of living is to admit that you’ve fallen in love with someone you didn’t mean to love from the start.

When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race so take it slower... hear the music before the song is over.

They say never rush into falling in love for love never runs out. Let it be the one to knock on your door because true love is worth waiting for.

Isn’t it sad that when you have so much pain in your heart and you want to talk, the only person who can stop you from crying is exactly the same person who made you cry?

Never expect love to be always at its best ‘cause if you do, you’ll never appreciate its existence. Remember that there will always be one true love for you to have and hold. It may not be the one you expect but it’s the one you deserve.

Always take a chance. The end result may not be what you hoped but that’s fine... at least you will never go through life wondering “what if” or “if only.”

Love is created not by words but by feelings... not by humans but by hearts. It is better expressed in deeds than in words for love has no definition – only existence.

In love, think things over if you’re sure about how you feel. Don’t fall too hard not knowing where you stand because it will hurt real bad if things didn’t go the way you want them to.

There’s a difference between letting go and giving up. Letting go is sacrificing what was rightfully yours... giving up is forgoing what was never really yours.

True love is to reach out to the one you love, touch his heart and never be able to let go again... to hold them not for a moment but forever.

It’s easy to think about love... to talk about love... to wish for love. But it’s not always easy to recognize love even when we already hold it in our hands.

Two people may fall for each other but sometimes... one gets up and walks away while the other one is still fallen to the ground.

True love opens its door by itself at the right time and at the right place. Wait and you’ll see how love works. Remember, love finds love, love seeks love and love sees you – not the other way around.

Sometimes, we look too far to find that person we could share our love with... without realizing that oftentimes, they are just in front of us, loving us quietly all this time.

If you love someone, don’t think twice about giving your all. Remove all your doubts and learn to trust your heart. Remember that only a few find love... don’t let lose of the magic while it’s there.

There’s always something good that comes out of every life experience. Good things become good memories... bad times become good lessons. You can never lose. You only gain from life.

One cannot choose who to love but only whose love to accept.

Love works in magical ways but never be fooled by the promise of forever. There will come a time when the spark will die and when that time comes, we must learn to let go no matter how painful.

Indeed there are many stars in the sky... some are radiant enough for you to notice. But isn’t it a poor fate that the one you ignored is the one willing to shine for you?

When you meet someone and you gradually fall in love with that person, try to express it because every moment wasted would equal to tons of regrets in the end.

Love can be understood only from the inside... as a language is understood only by someone who speaks it... as a world can be understood only by someone who lives in it.

Sometimes, the people we hurt the most are the ones closest to us... for it is in loving someone that we stand close enough to be hugged but near enough to feel the pain.

It’s not how long two people have been together that’s important... it’s how honest they’ve been with each other during the time they were together.

You only live once and if you go through life always trying to be in control, you might miss the good stuff that makes life worth living.  Sometimes, it’s scary to go with your feelings but you can’t be afraid to love.

It is love that can cause a person pain, remembering the moments you two once shared but it is also love that eases the pain and makes it go away.

We receive love from others not in proportion to our demands or sacrifices but roughly in proportion to our own capacity to love.

The hardest part in life is not loving but forgetting the one you learned to love all your life.

There are things you love to hear but you can never hear it from the person you love to hear it from. But don’t be deaf to hear it from the person who says it from his heart.

On falling out of love, take some time to heal. Don’t get back on the horse right away. But when you do, don’t make the same mistake of riding on the same horse that threw you off the first time.

In the game of love, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses. The most important thing is you know when to hold on and when to let go.

Love isn’t when the heart beats the fastest or strongest but when it beats no more and yet love is still there.

Will you love me for the rest of time?
                                    No, I’ll love you for the rest of mine.

I guarantee there’ll be tough times.
I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us will want to get out.
But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine,
I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.

It’s so funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love while at the back of our minds, we know that the person we truly love will always be an exception.

The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences yet still willingly embrace us with so much love.

Perhaps the best things in life is being able to choose the one you love... and perhaps the worst thing is not being able to choose the one who will love you back.

Life is a gamble. Sometimes you win... other times you lose. But no matter what your cards are – whether cloves, spades or diamonds – never, ever play with the heart.

It’s not about the money... not about the time... not about the love you lost or the things you think you left behind. It’s not about the losing streak that makes you feel you’re falling apart. What matters is the heart.

Friendship is like standing on wet cement... the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. And you can never let go without leaving your prints behind.

There are things we love but we have to let go not because we want them no more but because we realize that they are not for us... someone will come our way someday, somewhere and sometime.

No love can hurt as much as the love that can never be... and no thought can hurt as much as the thought of a love that could have been.

If you’re afraid to love a person because of friendship, you have two choices: either say what you feel and let the love take place or forever have the love under a friendship full of pretending.

Sometimes, you think you’re over someone. But when you see him smile, you realize that you’re just convincing yourself that you are over him to ease the pain of knowing that he’ll never be yours.

This is the greatest paradox: the emotions cannot be trusted yet it is they that give us the greatest truths.

If you need a hand and there are a hundred steps between us, you can take the first step to get near me and I will take all the 99 steps to be there for you.

When you follow your heart, worry not where it leads you. The heart knows the way. And if you do get lost or reach a dead end, use your head to lead your heart back home.

There’s a light in your eyes but it’s too bright to see the pain in my heart where you used to be. I guess I was wrong to believe you were waiting for me ‘cause there’s a light in your eyes but it’s not for me.

Sometimes we dream of having someone we really like but life isn’t like that. We don’t get everything we want but in the process, we end up loving someone better than what we dreamt of.

I wish I could tell you the day, the hour, the time my love for you became real. I only know it seems I’ve loved you forever.

I’m not offering you the moon or the stars because it’s clear that I can’t give them to you. All I have is a warm hug and a sweet hello... simple things you can’t let go.

You may sometimes feel that people you care about don’t seem to care for you as much as you care for them. But you’ll never feel that way with me because I’ll always care for you... much more than you care for me.

God does not guarantee a life full of sunshine and free from storms. What He guarantees however is His watchful eyes over us as we go through those storms.

You might have liked me... you might have cared deeply... you might have trusted me... I loved you truly. But the one thing you failed to do was to love me too.

Losing the one you love hurts. Some people may say that you’ll get over the person easily but really, it isn’t easy especially when that one person you loved was the only one you ever did.

I’m sorry if you can’t love me the way you loved the one before me. So I’ll let you go and find her... and hope that someday you’ll see... that the one true love you’re looking for was the one who set you free...

I was so afraid to lose you without realizing why. It’s not that I can’t live without you. Maybe it’s just that I am so afraid seeing you held by someone you love more.

I wouldn’t know what to do I I’d lose you. I wouldn’t know what to say if the day comes when you’d go away. Tears would fall and my heart would break but loving you would never be my mistake.

Chances are like lightning... they never hit the earth at the same spot twice. So when a chance comes your way, grab it because it may never come again.

You can hide the pain that you feel and make others believe that you can move on but you can never deny the truth to yourself... that the person who has failed and hurt you is still the person you’ll always choose to love.

A true feeling lasts. It understands. It can wait for the right time and seeks the right way. It can’t be explained by words but it responds to one’s thoughts and heart.

Softly, the leaves of memory fall...
Slowly, I’ll gather and pick them all...
To day, tomorrow and all my life through,
I will always love and remember you.

Don’t be so busy planning the life you’re going to have that you fail to appreciate the one you have already been given. Savor the magic everyday.

When things aren’t working as you expect it to be, take it as God’s subtle way of touching you to grow. The process may be difficult but it’ll surely bring out the best in you.

Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them will happen the same way again.

Love is unpredictable... it comes when you already have it, it doesn’t when you badly want it. But what’s thrilling about it is when it comes at the unexpected time in an unexpected place for the unexpected person.

Many people have touched my life but sadly, you are not one of them because you did more than touching my life... you left a mark for me to remember you for the rest of my life.

If you want to catch a butterfly, don’t run after it. Instead, sit down and open your hand. It will just land in your palm when it needs to rest. That’s the way to find love.

If you’re afraid of something, you have to look it straight in the face. You have to get down on the ground and wrestle with it. If you turn your back, the thing you are running away from will never stop chasing you.

The things you love, you’ll lose one day... the things you fear you’ll face one day... do what you have to do and make the most out of every moment. Life is too short so be happy always.

Destiny decides who you meet in life but it’s only your heart that can decide who gets to stay in your life.

It hurts me whenever I see you hang around with someone else. It breaks my heart whenever I hear you laugh with someone else... but who am I to feel this way when for you.

Live life one day at a time. Share it with people who matter most to you for life is a little jar of memories and experiences... so fill it with love, joy and happiness.

LOVE CYCLE: we love because we hurt, we hurt because we fail, we fail because we try, we try because we want, we want because we need, we need because we feel, we feel because we live, we live because we love.

You promised to take care of me but you hurt me. You promised to bring me joy but you brought me tears. You promised me your love but you gave me pain. Me... I promised you nothing but I gave you everything.

Sometimes when you love someone very much, you’d have to go through every tear, every heartache, every pain... because in the end, it’s not how much you suffered but how much you loved.

Life is all about tough decisions: whether to give up or to go on, to hold back or to give it all, to love or to leave. We never know when to do what but we learn from it whichever way we go.

No one falls in love by CHOICE, only by CHANCE. No one stays in love by CHOICE, only with WORK. No one falls out of love by CHANCE, only by CHOICE.

We all need to be loved, to feel important, to belong and to be needed. Love and companionship do not come to anyone by divine right. These things have to be deserved. Love must be learned.