
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Finally, I was able to visit and try Yakimix - an eat-all you can buffet type of restaurants that offers Chinese, Japanesse, Korean and now, Filipino cuisines.Personally, I think the food is great! There is something about cooking your own food that caught the attention of Filipinos. This is not a regular fare eat-all you can restaurant where the food are so-so and stomach fillers.

We tried their branch at Greenbelt 3. The look of this restaurant is quite modern though not dazzling fancy. The place is rather spacious and also well-lighted. All in all, the place has a kind of soothing ambiance.

Now the food. Food selection is divided into section. From raw foods down to their desserts. Everything in their seems appetizing. I noticed that the most visited section was the section where different kinds of marinated raw pork, chicken, beef, seafoods and vegetable were placed for customers to choose from and cook at the designated grillers in the table. I love the veggies wrapped in bacon.

Round 1.

Her personal plate.

Joyce and Trina.

Me. :)

Round 2.

Yum Yum Yum!
Joyce told me not to expect anything from their dessert because it's not that good but surprisingly, they have Red Ribbon and Goldilacks cakes and Selecta ice cream. Well, I didn't have much of the desserts because I cannot literally breath. I had enough of the pork and beef. Oh! I also did halo-halo for Joyce. (Cravings!) 

Yakimix is a much better deal over the buffet type restaurant. This is because you shell out a few extra bucks in return for a much excellent quality food fare. :)

Bye Bye Yakimix!

The really don't want to leave the place but what can I do? I'm too full to try almost everything that they offer. So after having lunch, we drop by Starbucks to meet Joyce's friend. Then, I have to accomony Ate Trina going to Bonifacio Global City (becoming my "tambayan"). I waited for her for almost 3 hours. Good thing I have a book with me.

Thanks Dea.
I've realized that having alone time is a good feeling. You get to reflect on yourself. Reflect on what you are becoming as the day goes by. I'm very thankful that I got the opportunity to bond with myself. I realized that some things are not everything.