
Saturday, December 29, 2012

IHOP: Come Hungry, Leave happy

Feeling American today? Can't find of the perfect family restaurant that serves breakfast 24/7? Nothing to worry about because International House of Pancake, the most famous and enjoyed restaurant in America is coming our way.

Some of the best memories are made at the breakfast table. And for more than 50 years, millions of people have made those memories at IHOP. That's why we make it our mission to make your breakfast an experience to remember - and why it's part of everything that we do.

International House of Pancake began making breakfast memorable in 1958 when it opened its doors in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Fifteen years later, a new marketing campaign introduced the acronym "IHOP", and since then it's been the name people know as the place they can enjoy their favorite breakfast experience -- any time of the day.

For 54 years, the IHOP family restaurant chain served our world famous pancake and a wide variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner items that are loved by people of all ages -- offering an affordable, everyday dining experience with warm and friendly service.

  • As of September 30, 2012, there were 1,565 IHOPs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as in Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Island. 
  • Under the licensed name IHOP at HOME® consumers can also enjoy line of premium breakfast products available at leading retailers.
We the IHOP family practice our own PHILOSOPHY in attaining service excellence. We make sure that the food we serve is always FRESH, we value every centavos you spend on us. We also make sure that its TASTY, we offer different different syrups that go well on your pancakes. We also want you to feel COMFORTABLE and RELAXED, since this is a family restaurant, we want you and your family to enjoy your food every time you dine. Lastly, we want you to feel SPECIAL, as what the company lives by, best memories are made at the breakfast table especially in IHOP.

Together with the Philosophy, we also have our own VISION and Values. First, we always do the right and we are committed with high ethical standard, INTEGRITY. We expect the best from ourselves and each other, EXCELLENCE. We always find new ways to delight our guest, INNOVATION. We do what we say and we're responsible in our every action, ACCOUNTABILITY. We respect and value the diversity of others, INCLUSION. We build trust through open and honest communication, TRUST. Lastly, we make difference in every neighbor that we serve, COMMUNITY.

Since this is the first branch of IHOP here in the Philippines, we promise and guarantee you true and authentic taste of each food we are offering. Here's a sneak peak of what we have for you.

New York Cheesecake Pancake

Philly Cheese Steak Stacker

Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity ®

SIMPLE AND FIT: Spinach, Mushroom and Tomato Omelette

SIMPLE AND FIT: Whole Wheat French Toast Combos
And a lot more food waiting for you.....

Getting excited now? IHOP will be opening on the first quarter of 2013. So spread the news and invite your love ones to come and dine with us. We will be happy to serve you and see you in our restaurant. See you, people!

  • 913 N San Fernando Blvd
    BURBANK, CA 91504-4326
  •  (818) 842-8622
  • Sun-Thur 7am-10pm
    Fri & Sat 7am-12am

Date a girl who travels.

This is not my idea. I was browsing my fellow blogger's blog and this one caught my attention. Since, I love travelling, I think I can somehow relate to this post.

Date a girl who travels. Date a girl who would rather save up for out of town trips than buy new shoes or clothes. She may  not look like a fashion plate, but behind that tanned and freckled face from all the days out in the sun, lies a mind that can take you places and an open heart that will take you for what you are, not for what you can be. 

Boracay '11
Date a girl who travels. You'll recognize her by the backpack she always carries. She won't be carrying a dainty handbag; where will she put her travel journal, her pens, and the LED flashlight that's always attached to her bag's zipper? In a small purse, how can she bring the small coil of travel string, the wet tissues, the box of crackers, and the bottle of water she's always ready with, just in case something happens and she can't go home yet?

Yes, a girl who travels knows that anytime, anything can happen and she just have to be prepared with it. Nothing takes her by surprise; she takes everything with equanimity, knowing that such things are always a part of life. She's reliable and dependable, traits that she's learned while on the road.

You'll also recognize a girl who travels by the fact that she's always amazed at the world around her, no matter if she's in her home town or in a place that's totally new. She sees beauty all around her, not just the one features in travel guides or shown in postcards. A girl who travels has developed a deeper appreciation for life. She won't judge you, or pressure you to do things you don't want to do. She knows too much about the importance of identity and self-efficacy, and she will appreciate all he more if you won't pretend to be who you're not.

You can make mistakes with a girl who travels, and you can also be as idiosyncratic as you can be. Trust me, she has seen so much worse in her travels, and knows firsthand the vagaries of human nature.

Singapore '12
Date a girl who travels, because when you're with her, you'll realize that even though she's napped at a temple in Angkor Wat, went boating down the Mekong Delta, ran by the streets of Saigon, or went skinny-dipping in the caves in the Philippines, she still retains that humility that is the mark of a real traveler. She knows she's humbled by the fact that the world is still a big place and she's only seen a small part of it. Seeing this in her can make you feel all right with yourself too; there's no need for you to do more to be more. What you are is enough.

When you meet a girl who travels, ask her where she's been and what she's going to do next. She will appreciate your interest, and if you're lucky, she may even  invite you to join her. When she does, do. Nothing bonds people better than travelling. On your trips, you will both see each other's best and worst characteristics, and you can then decide whether she's worth fighting for.

It's easy enough to date a girl who travels. She won't want expensive gifts; you can buy her (or both of you) cheap tickets to Thailand for the weekend, and she'll be more than happy to take you to the longest wooden bridge in the country. You don't even have to go overseas; you can take her out on day trips, caving or hiking, or treat her to a full body massage.

You can also buy her the little things that she keeps forgetting to buy for herself; that carabiner that will attach her backpack to her seat so that she will feel easier about sleeping on her bus trip, or a backpack cover, a small alarm clock, a money belt, or maybe another sarong that will replace one she lost in China.

She won't mind if you get lost on your way to a date. She knows that oftentimes, the journey is more important than the destination. She will help you see the lighter side of the things. She'll walk along with you, not behind you, pointing out the interesting bits of things you'll see on the way. Before long, you'll realize that yes, the journey has been more memorable than the destination that you've planned to take her to.

Panglao Beach Resort, Bohol '12

Is a girl who travels worth it? Yes, she is. So when you find her, keep her. Don't lose her with your insecurities and doubts. Because when she says she loves you, she really does. After all, she's seen so many things, met so many people, if she had chosen you, better grab that opportunity and thank the Gods that you were lucky enough she's chosen you and not that bloke she met while watching the sun rise in Angkor Wat, or while whitewater rafting in the Padas George in Sabah. 

If she says she loves you, she must have seen something in you, something that can always call her back from her travels, something that can anchor her to the world in the way that she wants to after a weeks and months of being on the road.

Date a girl who travels. Make her feel safe, warm and secure. Make her believe that no matter where she goes, and however long she's gone, you'll always be there for her. the one that she can call home.

Find a girl who travels. Date her, love her, and marry her, and your world will never be the same again. 

Aleah wrote this article in Copenhagen, Denmark during her 70-day solo backpacking trip in Europe. This was first published on her blog,, where i became viral with over 30,000 shares in Facebook and Twitter. (From Mabuhay Mahazine, August 2012 issue).


Aleah Taoclabon

Monique De Jesus

Monday, December 24, 2012

La Union Getaway.

This is a late post though.

It was early November when my cousin and her friends decided to have a getaway trip over the long weekend. Since some of them experienced surfing at La Union, they thought it will be a great idea to have La Union Getaway part 2 with the people who wasn't able to join the first time.

I was really confused that time. I was waiting for my work to start so I really can't decide weather to join them or not. I waited for almost five months (5) to get my first job and I really can't miss this one big shot.

The day came, I am very decided to join them. I told them "Friday na wala pa ring text baka magstart  na kami after the long weekend." And poof! God heard my prayers. I was able go with them.

No one is really confirming if they'll come or not until we find ourselves at Michael's condo unit (the meeting place). We waited for Ate Trina for almost 1 hour. So we played "tong-its" first. We we're all hungry that time 'cause its like 12 in the morning.

I was very excited and nervous. Excited because I'll be with the people I want to be with and nervous because I really don't know what to expect with that surfing stuff.

It was really a long long long long long drive.. I was bored the whole trip and everyone is just sleeping. I also not expecting that we'll be dropping by Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Laoag, Vigan, Paoay Sand Dunes, Rock Formation and the famous Windmill in Pagudpod before we headed in La Union. So imagine the long and tiring trip.

Sand Dunes
Rock formation

So we tried Vigan empanada, Vigan longanissa, Ilocos Street food and their other native delicacies. Though I've been there, always feels good to go back with other people.

Came La Union, everyone's tired 'cause its like 6 hours drive from Pagudpod. so we decided to surf the next day. I was not really excited because when I saw the big waves splashing over the seashore you'll get the same feeling that I'm feeling.

We didn't bother to get surfing instructor since David know how to surf. So after they taught Trina, it was my turn. It was kinda easy, addicting and satisfying. The fact that you can control the surf board and be able to at least kneel down on your board brings that kilig moment in you. :)

Surfing is just a matter of body balancing and timing to dance along with the waves. It was really fun and addicting experience. It's like conquering the sea with your ability to stand, control and dance with it. Just what I've told other people after the experience, You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.