
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quick Post.

Just a quick post.

I think I am about to explode. My heart is full of random thoughts, unexpected feelings and words left unsaid. What should I do? I know this is not the right time to tell him everything but this is the only time to tell him all.

For the longest time, I started to feel afraid again. Afraid of rejection. Afraid of expectation. Afraid of what could he say. Afraid of everything. How can you start one thing if you're afraid of it?

What if he's different? What if I don't even know him now? What if he don't want me back, even just for a friend? What if pain changes him? A lot of questions is bugging my mind. I am afraid to hear all the answers.

I don't know how many post in this blog has been dedicated to him. All I know is for almost 4 long years, I've been fooling myself that I already moved on. But the truth is, I never gave up. I didn't let go. I still love him and I just stopped showing (saying it). The feelings didn't changed.

What should I do?

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