
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cafe of Memories

For the past 18 years, I’ve been sleeping side by side with my mom. I’m always been a Mom’s pet. I fetched her to her office then we’ll go malling after. I don’t go to sleep when she’s not finish with her office stuffs and we’re not having our meals if we’re not together. My mom never fails to ask how school was, how my day was, or if I get in a fight. We’re super close and it makes my heart break when I found out that she is suffering from breast cancer.

Things went different. We usually go bonding whenever she visits her doctor. I discourage her to eat in any fast food restaurants because she needs to eat healthy food. And that day on, I was the one who always asked her if she’s okay, how she is feeling. But this is life, it goes on…

 One day, as I sit and started eating my crepe, memories started to flashed back as if it was just like yesterday. I can see how my mom wanted me to learn eating in a mid-scale restaurant. Everything is clear as water. Going that exact place makes my tears fall. I miss her and I long for her company.

I can’t forget that day, Mom had La Pinay and I ordered this crepe with asparagus and ham. We always order different food so we that we can taste and critic it. Both foods are good and delicious. The flavor of each crepe describes the savor of the closeness we have.

This day is so unusual. This time I have to eat alone and critic my own food. I had La Pinay—Mom’s all time favorite. The sweetness of this crepe took away the bitterness of my memories. Every bite of it fulfills the longingness in me. I can feel that very moment, she’s right there eating with me.