
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Eulogy Speech

While cleaning my laptop and deleting unimportant school papers, I found this.....

Carmela had lived an amazing life even though it was rather short. She was a great friend; a kind of friend that stands by you when you need somebody to be there. She’s a writer not a talker. She wants to touch lives by writing.

 What is it that we remember when we think of Carmela? I think everyone who knows her very well would agree with me on this. It was her sense of humor. She was the kind of person that would make everyone laugh so hard that they’d end up crying. Who could forget about her jokes? The green jokes and even the corny one? Goodness! Just thinking about those green jokes still makes me laugh. She was so out there when she starts those jokes. That is what I will truly miss about Carmela. She could make me laugh when I am really sad. She always cheered me up when she knew I just had a bad day. That’s the trademark of Carmela. She always wanted to make people happy.

 At the peak of Carmela’s young and simple life, no one thought that her life will end in a tragic way.  Her death was sudden. I remember when I heard the news I simply could not believe it.  Carmela was well-loved and she had done so many things on earth and I’m sure she’ll do much more in heaven. I will forever be grateful to have known Carmela. I will forever be grateful for spending 11wonderful years of my life with a friend like her. All the memories I have shared with her will forever be cherished and remembered.

I know she wasn’t prepared for this and our family as well. God has His own special plan for her life. We may not understand it but that’s how life works. Life was full of mysteries. 

She is in heaven now and we are here on her funeral. This is not the time for us to grieve her death but it’s our time to celebrate her life. Don’t ever forget Carmela. She never wanted to see people cry. She wanted to make everyone happy. So at this moment when we are about to lay her body to rest, let’s all think back and remember how Carmela touched our lives. How she made us laugh and how good she was as a person. This is not the moment for us to shed our tears but we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a young lady named Carmela.

She will forever be missed but I know in the right time, I will meet her again. We will all meet Carmela again and she’ll make us laugh in tears again. She will forever live in my heart… In our hearts.