
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things to Start Doing :)

Since I decided to start my diet tomorrow, I should also start doing these:

  1. Drinking a lot of water/tea and lessen my coffee.
  2. Eating BIG BREAKFAST, AVERAGE LUNCH and TINY DINNER. (This is a must!)
  3. Eating fruits & vegetable and natural food. I should lessen eating processed meat/foods.
  4. Going for a swim, run, walk or bike ride. (Am I thinking of becoming a triathlete? Why not?)
  5. Reading a book. (Mom said that reading a book can help you enhance your vocabulary and knowledge!)
  6. Going to bed earlier. (I also should start getting a lot of sleep. I will not have this when I start working!)
  7. Stop thinking negative thoughts about myself and others. I choose to embrace positivity! :)
  8. I shall not dwell on the past. :)
  9. ENJOYING THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE. (A saying that I always carry!)
  10. Not judging or comparing myself to others. As what Lady Gaga said, "Baby, you were born this way!"
  11. Beginning yoga or meditation. :D 
  12. Do not put things off.
  13. As what I've said in #3, avoid processed foods. 
  14. Stretch daily to increase my flexibility. Stop being a couch potato!!
  15. Listening to peaceful music.
  16. Living in a tidy place. 
  17. Wearing clothes that makes me happy. Be fashionable!
  18. Throwing away things that I don't need. 
  19. I shall remember that all the effort I'm making now will pay off in the end.
  20. And going outside. :D