
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Long weekend buddies..

I can say that this is the best all soul's day ever! :)

October 20, I visited Mom for her 2nd Anniversary. I stayed at Tagaytay for 2days with my brother. Everything is really all about timing. The next day, it was my grandma's 70th birthday. It was like a mini reunion for us. Since we seldom see each other. It was always nice catching up with them.

Here comes the All Soul's day. It was really hard going to province around this time. So we decided to take Batangas route instead of Tagaytay. :) I visited Mom again and go back here in Batangas. I can't deny, I'm enjoying my stay here.

Hanging out with my cousin's high school friend was unforgettable. Come to think of it, ever since I was a little kid, I was my cousin's "alaga". So I've seen them grow up and vice versa. I was really happy seeing them mature and have their own careers. :)

I also enjoyed the company they have. I mean, they still look like little kids fooling around with each other. :) They have incredible bond and you can see it. I was grateful that I've given the chance to spend my long weekend with them.

They say, "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It just like day. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day."

First night. Dinner at Max's. :)

Tapsilog by yours truly. :)
7-11 halloween design. 
Photo courtesy of Gerard.
Master Chef and his minion. :)
Inuman session.
Dinner at Taal Bayview Bistro.
BABE. :)
HAHA. Twinny. :)
Darell. Reynaldo. Red
Poker boys.
Pinoy Henyo.
with Mr. Reynaldo Marasigan.