
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodbye November, Hello December!

It's first of December. It always been my favorite month of the year. This is the time for LOVE. The feeling of the Christmas spirit. Lots of family gathering. Our annual family reunion. Christmas party. Gifts. Sharing. Love. Who would ever hate this? Except the increase of crimes here in our country.

Before doing this blog I come to think what to expect this month? What to be thankful for? In 19 years of my life, I've learned a lot of things. I can say that I am more mature now. I always look at the brighter side of what's happening, to celebrate life til the last drop of it and love love love even if it's your worst enemy.

I have so much to thank for. First, family. We may not talk often but I know we always got each others back. I can't put into words how much I love them, how much I care for them. I always want them to be happy and proud and I'll promise them I'll never fail them. Second, college friends (Tine, Karen, Ish, Jamie, Berns, Casey). They were with me in times I'm really down. When rumors are trying to kill me. Yes! They almost killed me! They were there trying to protect and defend for me. They understand me and accepted all my flaws. What else can you ask for? They are rare to find. I guarantee you! :) Third, Bru (Dea and Sam). Though we may have a lot (when I say a lot, you really can't count it) of misunderstanding, they still stick around. They've been with me for 8 years and counting of happiness and sorrows. I don't know what to do when they're not with me. I can say that I've truly found my true friends. Lastly, my enemies. Guys, you are the best example of people I don't want to become. Grow the fuck up. Life is too short to keep on hating and hating. Find a place in your heart for forgiveness and love. Thank you for teaching me lessons. :)

In 10days I'll be 20. Thank you for the experiences and lesson, for the people who come and go, to people who touched my life and change my stand about it. I'll always cherish every lesson I've learned and knowledge I've gained. It will be my master, mentor and teacher in facing life's dilemma. 

Goodnight, 1st of December. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Love can do to you?

A question every person long to know, not for any reason, but a simple thought, Nobody can’t live without it. LOVE is a feeling of happiness, a feeling of contentment and a feeling built with trust. It’s something that we do not always expect to happen, but an experience that make us complete in a way. LOVE can make us go crazy, can make us a different person, but most importantly it has a capacity to make us a better person. LOVE is a choice, a decision. We always have the choice to Love, to be love or not to love at all. LOVE is the reason itself. Sometimes it’s something that is very hard to explain, something hard to define, we will never know what love is unless we experience it. LOVE is inevitable; it can be felt by anybody, young, old, poor or rich. LOVE is never selfish. When we love, we forget about ourselves, even we may fall or we may succeed.
Most of the time, we end up getting hurt. But as I say, we always have the choice. LOVE can heal you. They say that time can heal the wounds brought by bad experiences, but it is LOVE that heals it all. LOVE like life is never fair. It is not always colorful as we wanted to be, but we have the ability or should I say the power, to make it different. LOVE is a gift from GOD. It is the LOVE that is given to us even we don’t ask for it, a LOVE that is unconditional; LOVE without boundaries. Only Him can give us the LOVE that will make our life complete.

Now I ask you, what LOVE can do for you?
You have to know it for yourself.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Three O'clock

I am a girl having TRUST ISSUES. I really don't know why, but with the time we have, you can't determine who your friends and enemies are. That's why it's very hard for me to give trust to anyone.

There are many times I've trusted wrong people. Having regrets why I gave my trust to them easily, only knowing that their just gonna hurt me. Though you've done good to them, gave all your heart they'll still do hurt you. :|

Sorry for the people who's asking forgiveness and trust this Chrismas. Like most of us know, we don't ask for it, we earn it. I may be mature enough to forgive you but not stupid to trust you again. :)

Good Morning, World! :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you for our friendship
For it means so much to me,
Your kindness and understanding
And loving ways you share so free.
Thank you for being beside me
When I needed someone that cared,
And thank you for all your loyalty
For the times together we shared.

Thank you for our friendship
For it's something even money can't buy,
Thank you for holding me tightly
When there was a need I had to cry.

Thank you for always smiling
When I couldn't smile at all,
And thank you for boosting my ego
For the times I felt so small.
Your friendship I cherish so deeply
So this message to you I send,
May God bless and always watch over you
And may you always remain my friend.

Monday, November 14, 2011


"Graduation is only a concept. In real life, every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you can make a difference." -Arie Pencovici

We're almost there. I know this is not the end but just a beginning of new chapter, trials and obstacle in our life. Schooling might be over but education still continues. Learn from the things we've learned and mistakes we have done. Learning is not limited to number of days we've been to school but things/ lessons we've earned in dealing with everyday schooling.

I dedicate all of this to God, Mom, Dad and people who supports me all the way. I may not go through it without the help of each and everyone. In time, I'll be able to repay you with the help you've given us. No words of gratitude can ever explain how thankful I am. So, thank you!

This whole journey is worth it. There may be people who come and go. i still thank those who stay with me through it all. See you all in March. I guarantee you that I'll be part of 2012 graduate! :)

After I got my hair and make up done. Toga.

Striking some pose. :)

This was the graduation picture on our past life.

Wearing with pride, the toga and St. Scho emblem.

Friends who stick with me through my strength and weakness.

Filipiniana. :)

Formal attire! ;)
Sneak peak of our Creative shot. I just miss my "best friend".